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Nivelamento Online offers new teaching opportunities for primary and higher education students

Student engagement has become one of the main challenges facing schools in Brazil and around the world in the 21st century. Faced with new technologies and new ways of consuming content, which are becoming faster every day, traditional teaching models have had difficulty in keeping students' attention – something that cannot be regained without major changes.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, these problems became more acute. Schools and teachers were unfamiliar with the use of educational technologies and many struggled to implement tools that would allow them to create virtual learning environments.

By simply adapting the traditional teaching model, many schools have had difficulty helping their students learn. They have provided students with lessons and materials that have not undergone the appropriate pedagogical transposition, with low-quality recordings and even with the continued use of blackboards, even when we have at our disposal digital services capable of presenting the content in a much more dynamic and enjoyable way.

Observing these difficulties that schools have been encountering, several companies have started to develop and offer solutions that help teachers to deliver content in a more interesting way, increasing student engagement and satisfaction with learning.

EdTechs – companies that develop educational technologies – are here to stay and, in recent years, have dominated the market with solutions that bring education closer to the digital world. Today, the market is being bombarded with software, applications and services that promise quality, content and satisfaction.

With so many options, how do you know which ones work for you? Which ones are made by real educators? Which ones have proven results?

Nivelamento Online emerged in 2019 as an answer to these questions.

A game that can be used on both computers and mobile devices, Nivelamento Online features a story that allows students to explore a galaxy of content. Its gamified question and answer system features videos, tips, missions, a progression system, awards and rankings, aiming to improve engagement and consequently the performance of the student player throughout the resolution of the questions.

The game aids learning, provides challenges and interactivity through its game design, content division and learning assessment system, and gamification allows for the player's learning to be assessed and improved in a personalized way.

The results are proven. Through award-winning academic articles, it was demonstrated that students feel more stimulated to learn in a dynamic environment, different from the one they are familiar with, even if the content covered is similar. The motivational aspect of Nivelamento Online was able to directly influence the perception of students' learning. It is worth noting that the game design elements adopted, such as immediate feedback and items that provided hints, elimination of alternatives and exchange of questions, were significant for interaction with the content.

In addition to meeting the demands for educational technologies, Nivelamento Online was created to meet the National Curricular Guidelines and also the New High School. Each part of the game was carefully developed to promote learning and engagement of student players, as demonstrated.

The game can be accessed for free in different ways. By app, it is through the Google Play stores, for Android, and the Apple Store, for iOS devices. In addition, it is available through any browser at the address .

Contact us now and test out the Pro package features, such as unlimited Tutor Rooms, comprehensive performance reports, access to questions developed by other tutors, and more.

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