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Nivelamento Online is the Subject of a Master's Thesis

The work developed investigated the effectiveness of the educational platform Nivelamento Online (NiO) when applied to the teaching of Physics. The study adopted an experimental model with two first-year high school classes: a control group that followed the traditional format of expository lessons and exercise resolution, and an experimental group that used NiO as a complement to the expository teaching. Pre-tests and post-tests were conducted to evaluate the learning gains in both groups, as well as to assess the usability and student experience with the gamified platform.

The results indicated that the experimental group, which used NiO, achieved significantly better performance compared to the control group. The students showed higher motivation, satisfaction, and recognition of their knowledge improvement while interacting with the gamified platform. Statistical analysis of the performance data and student engagement with the platform also supported these positive results. Gamification proved to be an effective strategy for teaching Physics, standing out for its ability to engage students and enhance learning compared to the traditional method.

As an educational product derived from this study, a NiO user manual and an activity guide were developed, providing a practical guide for implementing the platform effectively in classrooms. This work significantly contributes to the discussion on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and gamified platforms in the educational context, offering valuable insights for future applications and research in the field of Physics education.

Read the full thesis and access the educational product at:

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