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Exatamente Soluções Educacionais participates in Connect Week 2024

Connect Week 2024 took place from June 18 to 21 in Curitiba. The event brought together startups, entrepreneurs and institutions with the aim of exploring the future of technology, business and society. In addition, the event aims to create meaningful connections between different sectors and disciplines, aiming for collaborations that drive innovation and progress.

Connect Week featured a series of inspiring talks, workshops and interactive sessions covering topics ranging from artificial intelligence to business sustainability. Participants had the opportunity to share their ideas and experiences in an environment that fostered open dialogue and collaboration, creating a unique networking environment where entrepreneurs, academics and corporate leaders could connect, exchange insights and explore opportunities for future collaboration.

Exatamente Soluções Educacionais had a prominent presence at Connect Week 2024, presenting its commitment to educational innovation in a vibrant and interactive stand, in partnership with the NOVATEC incubator (Unicentro, PR).

The Exatamente Soluções Educacionais stand was a meeting point for managers, professionals interested in transforming education through innovation, and leaders in the education and innovation sectors. Visitors had the opportunity to explore the solutions up close: Nivelamento Online, the analog version of NiO Companion, and NiO RPG. In addition, they were able to discuss how to integrate these solutions into different teaching contexts.

The Exatamente Soluções Educacionais team, represented by CEO Danilo Sande and developer Kaio Tavares, actively participated in networking, connecting with industry leaders, potential partners, and investors. These interactions not only strengthened existing ties, but also opened new doors for future collaborations and development of new ideas.

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