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CEO of Exatamente Soluções Educacionais will represent the Brazilian delegation at an event in Chile

The Southern Cultural Industries Market is a vital space for the exchange of cultural products and services in South America. With its annual editions, the event provides business roundtables, stands, fashion shows and seminars, all aimed at promoting trade integration between South American countries. With the participation of delegations of both regional and international buyers and sellers, MICSUR plays a fundamental role in generating business opportunities and expanding the cultural market in the region. This year, the event will take place from April 17 to 20 in Santiago, Chile.

We are delighted to announce that Exatamente Soluções Educacionais will be present at MICSUR 2024, represented by its CEO, Danilo Sande. The company was chosen to be part of the Brazilian delegation at the event. This selection recognizes the substantial impact it has generated in the field of education through its technological innovations.

Exatamente Soluções Educacionais has excelled in creating innovative educational solutions, especially in the area of gamification and learning technology. Its unique approach has made the educational process more accessible, attractive and effective for students and educators across the country. The startup’s participation in the event will provide valuable opportunities to establish connections, share knowledge and expand its presence in a regional market that is constantly growing.

To learn more about Exatamente Soluções Educacionais' participation in MICSUR, read the full article:

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